Archive for March 11th, 2009


The Russian/Cyrillic Alphabet and how the letters sound.

March 11, 2009

Аа – Sounds the same as in English “A”

Бб – Sounds the same as in English “B”

Вв – Sounds the same as the English letter “V”

Гг- Sounds the same as the English letter “G”

Дд – Sounds the same as the English letter “D”

Ее – Sounds the same as the sound “Ye”

Ёё – Sounds the same as the word “Your”

Жж – Sounds like “Jer” when saying Jermaine

Зз – Sounds the same as the English letter “Z”

Ии – Sounds the same as “Eee”

Кк – The same as the English letter “K”

Лл – The same as the English letter “L”

Мм – The same as the English letter “M”

Нн – Sounds the same as the English letter “N”

Оо – Sounds the same as the English letter “O”

Пп – Sounds the same as the English letter “P”

Рр – Sounds the same as the English letter “R”

Сс – Sounds the same as the English letter “S”

Тт – Sounds the same as the English letter “T”

Уу – Sounds as “oo”

Фф – Sounds the same as the English letter “F”

Хх – Sounds the same as the English letter “H”

Цц – Sounds like “tss”

Чч – Sounds like “ch”

Шш – Sounds like “sh”

Щщ – Sounds very like the above but said more softly “shhh”

Ъъ – Has no sound but is grammatical

Ыы – Sounds like a “erh” coming from the uneducated when trying to understand advanced quantum physics.

Ьь – No sound and has only grammatical context

Ээ – Sounds like “Air”

Юю – Sounds like the English letter “U”

Яя – Sounds like “Ya” from the German language


Hours of fun now awaits you with your English/Russian Dictionary!