Archive for May 6th, 2011


Bilateral rather than EEAS policy for the UK

May 6, 2011

Well dear readers, here is a rather defining speech from William Hague.

Quite rightly, Mr Hague is setting a bilateral course for diplomatic issues rather than relying on the glacial movement of the EU and in particular the new EEAS consensus based entity that is the supposed centre of EU foreign policy…..well it would be if the UK, France etc did not prefer to speak for themselves and had long enough for the EEAS to come to a “position”.

Far better to rely on nimble and bilateral relations with clear messages with identified sources rather than a consensual mumble that doesn’t actually speak clearly for any nation.  Small and dynamic provides far greater velocity and agility than a 27 member state consensual blob when it comes to making your point and the ability to get things done.

A consensual blob of mass does have its advantages, but they are normally those you would associate with ballistic jelly – it will stop all velocity and only let things get so far.

This however is interesting as well as overdue considering the FCO budgetary axe:

“We have increased the number of ministers in the Foreign Office … Next week, I will set out in parliament our plans to strengthen Britain’s global diplomatic network, including the opening of some new embassies and the building up of our diplomatic presence in the emerging economies.” 

Wonderful – I look forward to forging a close relationship with the UK Consul in Odessa, be they formal or honourary.  Someone to quite literally fly the flag and push UK interests in Odessa is needed, particularly in trade and business where both the UK and Odessa seem to fall woefully short of a proactive and driven interface at the higher levels where  undoubtedly there exist opportunities.

Ahhhh……Odessa is not necessarily on the list of emerging economies for expansion despite France, Germany, Italy and others thinking otherwise and realising that no representation in the provinces equals no money and no honey from those parts?
