
More Visa questions about Ukraine and the 90/180 days rule…..so some answers

April 26, 2010

Well dear readers, I get many messages about Visas and Ukraine and really, sometimes it seems everyone tries to make it harder than it is.

There seems to be an incredible amount of confussion over Visa duration and time allowed in country when they have absolutely nothing to do with each other at all.

All Visa holders and tourists are subject to the 90/180 day rule.  That is the starting point.

Some visas, such as the IM1 Visa holder, because it relates to work which a Ukrainian citizen allegedly cannot do, can have time in country extended by the OVIR every 90 days to allow uninterupted work in Ukraine which benefits the employer (and therefore Ukraine) for the period of the Visa being valid.

Diplomatic Visas holders can also have time in country extended by the OVIR, as like I say, throwing a foreign diplomat out of the country or forcing them to leave every 90 days……well, it does not make for good diplomatic relations between Ukraine and another nation.

Student Visas holders can also obviously have time in country extended by the OVIR or there would be no point in foreign students studying here to be thrown out mid-course.

An EU, US (or any other nation not requiring a Tourist Visa) citizen married to, parent of, or guardian of a Ukrainian citizen do not need a Visa of any sort to get time in country extensions from the OVIR, as to throw them out every 90 days goes against the Family Code of Ukraine (forced seperation of the family unit by the State or some such interpretation) and various international agreements Ukraine is signed up too and has ratified regarding family rights.  

Continued 3 monthly registrations end of course when Permanent Residency is applied for and granted.  The OVIR time in country extension does not mean, whilst waiting for their PR Status, they are exempt from having a Business Visa if the will carry out business on the territory of Ukraine whilst awaiting residency though.  The same applies with work and Work Permits should they work here whilst awaiting such status…..all such documentary troubles disappear when it is granted of course.  (This is a technicality which I have never known be checked…..but one day it may be.)

Science Visas, God Squad Visas, Sports Visas, are, I am informed, granted over differing periods of time and with differing caveats on issue, so some maybe used to quantify extended time in country whilst others may not.  As these are normally by invitation of Ukraine, the Church, Dynamo Kyiv or Shakhtar Donetsk  (whichever one), then of course there is someone with influence looking after the back of the Visa holder anyway.  

Visas such as Business Visas, Private Visas, Tourist Visas (for those it applies to, like Ozzies, Kiwis, Iranians, Turks etc etc) cannot officially be exempt from the 90/180 rules and have time in country extended by the OVIR anymore.

As an example, a Business Visa means you can carry out business activity on the territory of Ukraine for 90 days out of 180.  If you plan on doing business for longer than this (or when added together 180/360 over the period of a year) here, then you should apply for the IM Visa which you may or may not get (although technically, if you open a Ukrainian LLC company, you can sponsor yourself).  

It is quite obvious that a Ukrainian citizen cannot do your job if you are the owner of the company even if they are capable of running it, they are not capable of owning it and therefore directing it unless you were to give POA or sell it to them.

A Private Visa is for visiting a Ukrainian.  Who visits and stays with friends more than a solid 90 day period in 180 days regularly?

How many tourists have more than 90 consecutive days off work to bimble aimlessly around Ukraine?

Common sense dictates that not many people stay with friends for 3 solid months or bimble around Ukraine with 3 month holidays in one go and therefore this is why the 90/180 day rule applies to such Visas.  The same can be said of the Business Visa, as there are not many business transactions which take 90 solid days in country to complete.

A Business Visa is not a poor mans IM Visa or there would be no need for one or the other of them if they granted the same thing.

Unless you hold a Visa which can have time in country extended by the OVIR that would avoid the need to leave Ukraine every 90 days (or have personal circumstances with a Ukrainian listed above) you will have no choice but to leave every 90 days on whatever Visa you hold and then take advantage of the loose interpretation of the regulations and return the same/following day, as long as the Visa remains valid of course.

The biggest Visa problem in Ukraine is brought about by foreigners getting the wrong Visa for their purpose here in the first place.  Just because you have a Visa valid for 5 years (or whatever) it does not mean the OVIR can neccessarily grant extended time in country.  A Visa and exemption from the 90/180 day rule are not the same thing at all.

If you have to be in Ukraine for more than 90/180 (or 180/360 over the year) then you must ask yourself why you must be.

If it is to work, then the correct Visa is the IM1 (with Work permit) which means you do not have to border hop.  I know this is easier said than done for some due to sh*tty employers or self employed status.  Like I have pointed out above though, you can set up your own Ukrainian LLC and sponsor yourself through the IM process (technically at least…..I have no idea if you would be successful).

At present a Business Visa/Private Visa/Tourist Visa (if apllicable) means you have to leave every 90 days and under the current interpretation, this really holds no problems for a foreigner either (I am thinking of self employed teachers here mostly of which there seems to be an endless stream) other than expense of border hopping and lost earnings through not being able to teach.  Problems will occur should they tighten up on the returning the same/next day and strictly inforce 90/180 for such Visa holders however.

If all Visas meant automatic time in country extension for the duration of the times granted on a Visa, then there would only be a need for 1 Visa for everybody and then specifications put on any accompanying Work Permit as to what work (or not) you can do here and for whom.

If we stick to the most commonly held Visas for people who visit Ukraine, then it is simple.

Business Visa means you can carry out business activities for a total of 90 days in the territory of Ukraine in a 180 day period.  That is all it means, no matter how long it is valid for.

Tourist Visa (if applicable) means you are here as a tourist for a total of 90 days out of 180 days and cannot work, do any form of business under the terms of that Visa.  All you can do is look at the sights during your stay.

Private Visa means that you are here on the invitation of a Ukrainian and can visit them for a total of 90 days out of 180.  You can also look at the sights.  You cannot do any work or business activity under the remit of this Visa.

The IM Visa means (when accompanied by the Work Permit) you can come and go as you please and work (for the sponsoring company) for the duration of the Visa.  You can also eat, drink and be merry, visit the sights and spend more than 90 days in the company of your favourite Ukrainian.  There is no necessity to ever leave Ukraine at all whilst this Visa is valid and the OVIR has registered you.

EU/US and others citizens that do not require a Tourist Visa to enter Ukraine, if married to, parent or guardian of a Ukrainian citizen, need no Visa at all to get OVIR extensions if they have an address to register at, pending timelines and granting of PR Status.  You can also see the sights, spend more than 90 days in the presence of your favourite Ukrainian, eat, drink and be merry and come and go from Ukraine as you please.  Technically though if you do any form or business or work during the time it takes to be granted PR status, then the appropriate Visa and/or Work Permit should exist relating to that activity.    

I don’t really see why it is so hard to grasp the basics of this.  

The bottom line is OVIR registrations depend upon the benefit to Ukraine or a Ukrainian.  If you work for a Ukrainian legally and above board, (IM) then registration is possible.  If you are a key family member of a formally recognised Ukrainian family unit, OVIR registration is possible.  If you are the foreign striker for Dynamo this season, registration is possible.  If you are a leading church member but not of Ukrainian nationality, then registration is possible.  If you are a key scientist working on a long Ukrainian project, registration is possible.  If you are a student in mid-academic year, registration is possible.  If you are a diplomat on a long term assignment, OVIR registraion is possible.

If you are none of these, do not expect to be able to register with the OVIR regardless of what Visa you have and how long it is valid for.

It all comes down to your “worth” to the Sovereign State of Ukraine on an “official basis” as to whether you are “officially” worth keeping here longer than 90 days and therefore worthy of the time and effort to register by the OVIR.

I hope that helps.


  1. Hi, I’m a us citizen and I want to go to Ukraine for 1 year or a year and a half. What should I do? I heard that if you go to Poland for a day then come back to Ukraine the 90 days start all over. Is that true?

    • I have no idea these days. Ask somewhere like ExpatUA. Somebody there may know.

  2. Hello Odessablogger, I see you have lot of information about visa and 90/180 days rule. I am British Citizen and I have completed my 83 days in Ukraine from 17 Sep 2014 to 8 Dec 2014. I am not in Moldova. I was in Ukraine in Aug 2010 for 1 month but I have changed my passport number since then as I dropped my middle name. I read about 90/180 day ambiguity. I want to stay in Ukraine for a long time. I have a girl friend in Kiev. When I asked about extention of stay at Kiev-Chisinau border official, they said that I need to contact Imigration office in Kiev and request for visa type D (long term visa / extention). I am planning to try and extend my stay in the following way, in the order:
    1. Try speaking to border control to allow me to stay in Ukraine for another 3 months. Reading about start of 180 day, is it advisable to enter Ukraine on 1 Jan 2015 insetad of end of Dec 2014, as it might count as fresh entery in new year?
    2. Speak to Imigration office in Kiev (i guess its called OVIR) and request for extension of stay or long term visa (Visa Type D). What reason should I ptovide for long stay?
    3. Apply for student visa for Russian language learning course. I need visa more than the language. Do you know any university / school / organisation who can provide necessary documents to get the student visa.

    Any other suggestion on how to make the stay in Ukraine possible and legitimate?

    • To be honest I have no idea what or how the current authorities are interpreting the laws and therefore cannot give anything approaching advice over and above what you already suggest.

  3. I have a US passport. I entered Ukraine August 2013. I stayed in Ukr. until Feb. 2014. I went to Maldova twice during this time. Out and in the same day with a friend who was ukr. and paid about $80 usd to the head guy as a thank you. When I flew out of Kiev after 6 mths. They said the Maldova stamps were not recognized and that I needed to pay a fine ($100usd) to exit, which I did. I came back 90 days later via a train from Warsaw. No problem. Got another 90 days stamp end of June, stayed 4 mths until Oct 23rd.and had to pay the same fine flying out of Kiev again. I plan to try to return to Kiev before 90 days is up. Will let you know how it goes…….
    Has anyone had experience leaving via train thru other borders?? Maybe there would not be a fine thru those borders?? And maybe since I want to return in less than 90days it would be easier thru another border?? Anyone have experience with this??

  4. I am an American who is living in Ukraine now and I want to stay until November. I understand that I can’t apply for a visa while I am in Ukraine. Can I apply from another European country or do I need to go back to the U. S?

    If I go back to the U. S., do can I apply from the embassy in Washington D. C. or do I need to go to San Francisco? I am from California but don’t want to go all the way back there just to apply for a visa.

    Thank you.

    • Most US guys I know have used the Ukrainian consulate in Moldova or the Ukrainian Embassy in Poland. I don’t know of any that went all the way back to the US.

      • Thank you for such a quick response. Part of the problem with sorting all this out is that the employees at the Ukrainian embassies and consulates don’t reply to emails and only occasionally answer the phone. Even then, they are not that helpful.

        So, if I go to another European country and apply at the embassy, how long should I expect it to take to get approval (if all of my documents are in order)?

        I talked to a woman who works at a business that helps people get their visas quickly. She said that they won’t work with Ukraine any more because they tend to be legalistic and sometimes it takes even up to two months to get a visa.

      • I have never heard of anybody taking more than a few days either in Moldova or Poland if that is any guide.

  5. Hi, after reading all posts, I’m a British citizen and I’ve been in the Ukraine coming up to 90days (80 days so far), though as I have a child here to a Ukrainian citizen I have been told by the local OVIR office I cannot apply to stay longer than 90days, even though my child is here, and has my surname.

    Is this correct? As Ukraine beauocracy goes no one is helpful or info I gain is contradictory, no offense to nationals though the system lacks transparency, no one reads from the same page.

    What would be my entitlement if within the last days of my stay I marry, would that entitle me to remain longer than 90days? As I have no wish to be apart from my 9mth old child, the first 7mths was hard enough given I was working abroad and unable to visit meaningfully.

    Please someone advise me ASAP.


    • I am perhaps not the best to ask about this as all the hoops I once jumped through are now very dated indeed.

      However – Ukraine is a ratified signatory to the European Human Rights Act, and as such Article 8 provides the right to a family life free of State interference. Being a parent of a Ukrainian citizen would certainly be deemed as state interference in family life – but – the State also has the right to set administrative burdens to insure such provisions are not misused of course.

      When the new Visa system entered into force last year (getting rid of most in their entirety) it became clear that to have permanent leave to remain in Ukraine in your circumstances required a specific Visa (Type D I think but you will need to check as I am writing from memory) and sets a specific limit to process your official right to remain whilst this Visa is valid.

      It may be that you OVIR is being less than helpful (as usual) – it is though their hoops through which you must jump as everything in Ukraine works on a regional basis than a national interpretation.

      I would suggest a return visit to your OVIR, citing the Article 8 issue and asking which Visa you must have to complete the permanent leave to remain process you are entitled to being the parent of a Ukrainian citizen (possibly including some veiled threat that if they cannot answer the question, you can ask a friend who works within the Ministry of Interior head office in Kyiv when you see them next week….or words to that effect…..and you will be happy to get those in Kyiv to contact them directly with the answer so they know the procedure.)

      Unfortunately under the new system I do not see a way to apply for residency without a Visa granted for this purpose (which as I say I think is Type D – but please do check).

      • Hi, after various non-cooperative visits to the OVIR office I decieed to take my fiancee and child on holiday; given my 90 days stay in the Ukr was coming to an end.

        On exit the immigratiin officer did query my duration in the Ukr, however commented that as Feb has less days then all is ok and I was within my 90day limit.

        On return a few weeks later, the immigration officer didn’t even query my return and stamped me in for another 90 days.

        However, I’m unsure how often this would work, though it got me longrr with my child this time.

        My query is this; I have recently submitted an application for an EEA Family permit for my finacee (& child), part of the supporting documents is asking for the British Consulate Kiev to have valiated my passport, as this would take a long time (given we have an appointment next week and I can’t be without my passport) is there another acceptable alternative i.e if I get my passport notarised or validated via a lawyer in the city I am in.

        Not sure what to do for the best, I’m hoping for an answer before Monday (as will phone the UKBA/Consular); I’m asking now as it’s playing on my mind now.


  6. Hi,

    I’m a U.S. American citizen, who was in Ukraine from the end of June 2012, until the end of December 2012, after receiving what was perhaps a private visa or extension of my stay in Ukraine for family purposes (it looked like a small piece of paper that an old type writer printed out; and I could not read it due to I am just now learning Ukrainian).

    During my exit to Poland, I left the piece of paper, or my extension in my passport when the boarder control where looking through the passports. When I got my passport back, the paper was gone and I received a regular stamp from Ukraine in my passport.

    I went to the Ukrainian embassy in Gdansk, Poland to ask when I may see my family again: the man had explained to me that I could return to Ukraine after 90 days after my exit; meaning I could return in just two more months.
    What is confusing however, is from my basic understanding of visa laws – it goes 90/180 days in a country. But I was in Ukraine for six months: does that mean 180/360? Apparently the man at the embassy said this was not true, but I want to be 100% certain.
    It would be a very bad situation, if I was caught in between two boarders of countries that I have no granted entry into (90/180 for American citizens in Schengen aka Poland too).

    My purpose for returning is for my family (aunt, uncle, cousins) and my girl friend. I will truly appreciate any help.

    • Officially Ukraine allows 90 days in a 180 day period and that is generally upheld.
      The annual limit is 180/360.
      Some nations like the UK will allow 180 days concurrently which in theory Ukraine should not as it has set a 90/180 day limit rather than the UK 180/360 day example.

      However, The sum of both is 180/360, and some of those who enforce the rules in Ukraine seem to prefer the interpretation used by the UK….albeit contrary to the official Ukrainian guidelines.

      Ergo although there is a hard and fast rule, its enforcement is not always hard and fast.

      There really is no advice I can give other than the official line – and that is 90 days in Ukraine within a 180 day period unless you have been granted extensions by the OVIR.

      I have no idea what the piece of paper you had was. OVIR extensions are normally made in the form of an extension stamp in your passport and not on bits of paper. Possibly it was an “immigration card”.

      All that said, once you have been outside Ukraine 90 days, then theoretically you are indeed allowed to reenter for another 90 days as you were told. There is no way of border officials knowing whether you were find or not for overstaying last time.

      I very much doubt that you will have any problems at all reentering Ukraine after 90 days outside it.

  7. Greetings!

    I’ve read the whole blogg and I’m stunned how willingly you help and provide people with info tackling such obnoxious issue. I got the answer to my question in the opening, but I’m still going to ask, to bump the blog i quess.
    Here’s the deal. I’m a Finnish citizen and I have some relatives who are Ukrainian. I’ve been in Ukraine for 87 days (in total) and the 180 period ends in april. I’m on internship, yet not official, not getting paid, family stuff 🙂

    I went to State Migration Service of Ukraine (main OVIR in Kiev) today with all the documents to extend my stay. They told me, that I must have a proper ground in order to submit the application. Excluding that option, we decided to get a work permit and now I am waiting for a reply from Ukrainian embassy in Finland, about which VISA I should apply for.

    Is there another option? I don’t really need a workpermit. All I need is to stay in Ukraine, fly to Finland once a month and thats it.

    Please suggest an optimal solution.

    Thank you

    • To be honest the OVIR’s never seem to sing from the same song book around Ukraine. If Kyiv is the OVIR you have to deal with then it will be their rules you have to play by – not matter what the rules are.

  8. Hello
    I have a valid multi-entry cultural visa for 6 months (I do humanitarian projects) I have already been in Ukraine for 90 days then I exit to celebrate new years, I would like to re-enter for another 2 months would I have any problems?
    Thank you.

    I’m from Mexico

    • I have no idea is the honest answer. It very much depends on where you cross the border both in and out again this time.

  9. Hi there! I read your post with a lot of interest, as I am in a bit of an annoying situation myself.
    I have a girlfriend in Odessa (she is visiting me here in Finland right now) and my plan was to move to Odessa permanently so that we could be together. I own and run my own internet business (private entrepreneur – registered in Finland – although I am actually of Belgian nationality).
    However, after inquiring at the Ukrainian embassy, it seems that the only way I will be able to stay longer than 90 days within the 180 day period, is to get married to her.
    Am I correct in that assumption? We do plan to marry, but not very likely within 3 months of me moving there.
    Is there really no other options to be able to stay longer? I’m sure you can imagine that it would not be nice at all to be separated again for such a long time, so I am trying to figure out whether there is any way at all to be able to stay longer.
    Any help or suggestions are appreciated!

    • It is not the only way to remain but it is the easiest way to remain.

      Other options would be enrolling on a course and getting a Student Visa sponsored by a State educational agency which would mean you can stay in country for the entirety of the course without having to leave.

      Ergo a 1 year course would mean you could stay for that year without interrupting your “education” – whether or not you actually turn up at the school/university to learn anything is up to you.

      There are other options but they are very expensive and have long term legal and financial implications which I would not really recommend (such as becoming the legal guardian of a Ukrainian child etc.)

      • Thank you for your reply and suggestions. While enrolling on a course would be the perfect idea, as I would love to and need to learn Russian properly, I currently do not have the time to do so with my business.
        What about starting up a new (second) business in Ukraine. Is that something which would work or is it just wait and see what they decide?

      • Starting a business in Ukraine would not necessarily mean you can stay longer as the rules for foreign private entrepreneurs are ambiguous to say the least.

        By signing up to the course and getting the student visa, it does not mean you actually have to attend the course once you have the visa even if it is a rather nefarious method to remain longer than 90 days

      • Really? And this is not something that is checked upon?
        I mean, assuming I sign up for a one year course and I do not attend, is that something they check and kick you out if they find out you are not attending? I just do not want to get into any kind of trouble, for the future’s sake.

      • Plenty have claimed historically that they have gone that route.

        Not something I have ever needed to do in all honesty though.

      • I now hear from someone else that there is such a thing as ‘green cards’? How does that work? Does it take long to get and can it be obtained while in the Ukraine already?

      • Never heard of a Green Card in Ukraine. The closest would be Temporary Residency (working through a foreign firm, student etc) or Permanent Residency after 2 years of marriage, adopting a Ukrainian child, paying $100,000 cash to the government.

      • Actually there are 2 type of residency option. Temporary and permanent. If married, now Ukraine issuing temporary residency for one year, and issue do not take long time. permanent need 2 year marriage or baby 🙂 and takes min 2 months. One of important things, I’m not sure you are able to work with temporary residency. Rather than that, game over, 90 out of 180, no matter what 🙂 Good Luck

    • Kola privet ! So if I understand correctly once I marry to Ukrainian woman all I have to do is go to OVIR and ask for temp residence ,wait 2 years and then apply for permanent residence…all I need is my passport and marriage certificate when applying…No need for us to go Moldova for Д visa before starting all this …spasibo bolshoe Nikoli!

      • That is right – theoretically.

        However, this is Ukraine where nothing is joined up and every OVIR has its own interpretations of the rules and what it will or will not require you to do.

        Something you will get used to!

      • I well aware how things work in Ukraine….and every time I return I still can not believe it’s 2012 ) thanks for your insight in this matter..I hope my wife and I won’t have any problems that a bottle of vodka and 100$ to OVIR Director can not solve ..remember this is Ukraine after all )

  10. Hello sir,
    I am Pranav from India, I am in Ukraine already for one month with business c1 visa. Is it possible for me to extend my visa and register a LLC company for export-import of dry fruits through your organization.
    best regards

    • Legally a C type visa should not be extended by the OVIR if sticking strictly to the letter of the law. However, the interpretation of the law by every OVIR is never the same, so whilst legally it is not really something that can be done, it does not mean that the OVIR office you deal with will not grant an extension.

      It is certainly possible to create a Ukrainian registered LLC as a foreigner and there are new laws that come into force from 1st January 2013 that will make it easier to do than it is now. To be quite honest it is not that hard to do even now – it is closing a Ukrainian LLC that takes a long time!

      • can you please inbox me your contact details on my email id so that we can proceed further.

  11. hello my name is charles i am from sierra loene submited my document since on the 24 of sep in guinea conakry so i got the passport on the 17 of october than with a stamp writing with visa c demanded in dakar with a singature so i dont understand it THAT IS VISA OR WHAT.BECAUSE THERE ONLY PUT A STAMP WRITE WITH VISA C


    • It does not sound right to me. The only Visas I have ever seen issued by Ukraine are computer generated, large green stickers that fill an entire page in a passport with the Visa type, your name and validity dates etc all typed on the Visa sticker.

      You simply cannot get a Visa on arrival at a Ukrainian airport.

  12. hello my name is paul conteh i am from sierra loene i have a business visa to ukriane pls i really want u to help me for this can i extend it in ukraine or i really want to use it to study ukraine langange so can i change it to student visa.because i have a friend in china that have business visa than because of his business with chinese he need to study there langange so he change the business visa to student so please i really want to study ukraine so i want to change me business visa to student:thanks hope to here from you soon

    • Unfortunately the only way to change a Visa is by applying for a different one and that must be done outside of the territory of Ukraine. A student Visa will need to be supported by a recognised educational establishment in Ukraine offering you a course place.

      • ok thanks for your reply to me.if i have a business visa.and want to regrester me compeny in ukraine how can i do it and the cost of everything.thanks hope to here from you soon.PAUL CONTEH

      • The best advice about opening or closing a business in Ukraine will come from a lawyer.

  13. Hi, I’m a USA citizen who came to UA on a 90 day tourist visa. Before the 90 days was up, I went to Moldova for 1 day, then re-entered to UA. The UA border guard gave me a departure document with an new entry date. But I have never left for 90 days before returning to UA, just stayed 1 day in Moldova. My friend tells me this is valid for another 90 day UA stay. Is this so? I have now stayed in UA some 30 days on this re-entry from Moldova. Also, if this is ok, can I continue to go to Moldova before the end of the 90 day entry from Moldova to UA, so that I can continue to stay in UA indefinitely? Your reply is much appreciated.

    • Your friend is quite wrong I am afraid, at least technically speaking. You are allow 90 days inside Ukraine within a 180 period. Any extension of that time can only be done via the Ministry of Interior department called the OVIR or the granting of a new Visa which is generally accepted as resetting the time-in-country clock.

      I have no idea how or why you were issues a Tourist Visa if you are from the USA as the USA is a Visa Free nation with Ukraine for a period of 90 days.

      For the latest discussions and experiences on border-hoping as it is known, that would go some way to answering your point about crossing to Moldova and back again ad infinitum, then I will point you here: http://www.expatua.com as I have no experience of doing it personally.

  14. hey i am a father of a Ukrainian citizen and my visa almost finished i want to have a permanent visa so tell me what is required for this and how can i make it .. i would be grateful to your answer or if anyone can help please contact me on my E mail : motaz-mansour-gfx@hotmail.com . i am currently in Ukraine you also can sms me or call me 0631531136 thanks Motaz

    • Try looking at ExpatUA.com. Normally the latest issues with Visas are being discussed there.

  15. I have stayed in ukraine for over 90 days with no visa, will they let me out? i am leaving 25days after the 90 days mark?

    • Yes they will let you out. You may get a fine for overstaying, then again you may not. Consistency is not something Ukraine does.

  16. I am an indian in ukraine for a cultural internship and i am working on a cultural project in a student organisation called AIESEC and have a visa valid for 45 days but my return tickets are of after 16 hours of the expiration of my visa.
    I am unable to get any other suitable flight and also i cannot leave before project ends or i will not get certification.
    Will i be able to get just one day extension of visa through OVIR?

  17. helo my name is emmanuel am from nigeria. i want to know if i go to ukrain with a tourist visa and i want to study in their university while in ukrain if i can apply for a student visa there. will i be granted or be told to go back to my country and apply

    • No you cannot apply for that Visa within Ukraine. Almost every Visa for Ukraine for whatever reason can only be issues outside of Ukraine.

  18. I have a few question i will be grateful if you answer them.
    I am an Indian citizen married in Ukraine with a girl of Ukrainian nationality.I was there as a student when we got married.
    the course finished and i had to go back to my country for exams and family issues.
    Now i want to go back.
    What visa should i apply for so as i can extend my stay?
    I went to Ukrainian embassy in Delhi and they said i cant extend my visa and i will have to leave after 3 months.
    I am distressed and don’t know what to do.
    I want to be there without all the visa and other bullshit.But the thing is that i am married for 1.5 years and still 6 months to go before i apply for a green card.
    going to Ukraine and coming back in 3 months don’t make scene.
    Help me out here.What to do.

    • The rules have changed this year and effectively there are only long-term, short-term and transit Visas for Ukraine.

      In your situation you need to apply for a long-term Visa which can be extended by the OVIR due to your marriage to a Ukrainian citizen nullifying the 90 days rule.

      Ukraine is a signed up and ratified member of the European Convention of Human Rights under which, Article 8 provides your wife (as a Ukrainian citizen under this law) the right to a family life. This is also guaranteed under the terms of the Family Code of Ukraine.

      There is an area of ambiguity however, as to claim Permanent Residency (which provides the right to permanent domicile in Ukraine via your marriage) you must be married for 2 years before you can apply. This means you stay must be extended by the OVIR (due to marriage) every 90 days until you reach that point.

      The new law does not mention the 2 year waiting period that the old law did and it is currently being tested to see whether upon marriage you can now apply immediately for PR through marriage. Until there is a stated case, I anticipate the old 2 year waiting period prior to PR application will be (rightly or wrongly) enforced.

      With the long term Visa, you have 45 days in which to register at an address in Ukraine, a necessary step for OVIR extensions for you time in country.

      Not much help I know, but there is the usual ambiguity over the interpretation of the new system,

      • Firstly thanks for reply.
        But as i am married i am applicable only to the short term visa(C)
        as i can produce only document confirming family relationship with a citizen of Ukraine or a foreign citizen or stateless person that has permanent or temporary residence permit (such as a marriage certificate )
        I went to embassy the consul there was not helpful.According to her no visa is extended.
        Registering at the address is not a problem for me, My owns the flat and i can do it.
        Help me out here.

      • On what grounds can i apply for a long term visa.
        What documents will i need from Ukraine.
        Please help

    • Try http://www.expatua.com On the landing page you will find all the latest information about Visas and what is required. If you get no further then that website has a forum that has several Indian members living in Ukraine who will have a better idea of how bto navigate the system as an Indian national.

      • Thanks Don:)
        Trying to get help from there.Hope everything works.
        Thanks a lot for reply

  19. Is it possible to get a link address to the pertinent portion of Ukraine Family Law dealing with foreign spouse’s and OVIR registration

  20. I think this page migh be helpful:

  21. Ok I have a question about border hopping. If we want to stay for more than 90 days can we leave the Ukraine before the 90 days and then return again to stay for another 60 days?

    • The rule is 90 days in Ukraine within a 180 day period. Whether you spend it in country all at once or split those 90 days coming in and out within a 180 day period doesn’t matter.

      So yes, you can stay 30 days, leave and come back for another 60 days within a 180 day period.

      • When the NEW 180 days period start ? When you enter again UA or at the end of the OLD 180 days period ?

      • Normally it is worked from your first entry into Ukraine on a 180 day cycle. But the reality is that it is very much up to the individual border officers and how they want to interpret things.

  22. Urgent- Prolongation of staying in Ukraine for a romanian citizen

    Good day,

    my name is Cristina Lupa and for the moment I am here , in Ukraine with my husband and my mother. My husband has a contract here (having also a visa in his passport), in Ukraine, and we will be here for 2 years. Because for me it’s very hard, having problem with the language, we brought here my mother who was also alone in Romania, without relatives whom to take care of her. I understood that “legal period of staying here is max. 90 days”, but as per my discussion with Romanian consul, I understood we can prolong the staying by making a “request” to OVIR. Do you have any idea if we will get her prolongation? What papers should she bring to OVIR? We are very stressed about this and since there are no many English speakers here, we thought to write you, as maybe you know some solutions.

    Thank you very much for answering this.

    Cristina & Marius Lupa

    • Yes it is possible to get an extension from the OVIR. That does not mean you will get one but it is possible.

      It will be necessary to prove your husband is here and working under contract. That will mean showing his Visa and Work Permit and maybe even the contract depending on the OVIR in question.

      You will also need to go to the Zhek with your landlord for them to state they will allow you temporary registration at the address you are living in.

      The OVIR will not extend anybodies time in Ukraine without you having a registered address. Even Ukrainians have a registered address with the Zhek and OVIR.

      It maybe that the OVIR will state you and your mother need a P2 Visa (Private Visa) before they will extend any stay as you are not married to a Ukrainian, parent of a Ukrainian or guardian of a Ukrainian. Your reason to be here is that your husband is here and he is not Ukrainian.

      Therefore many OVIR’s may require you to have a Visa to extend. Some on the other hand may not.
      Very rarely does it seem two regional OVIRs will interpret things the same way and some OVIRs are easier to deal with than others.

      Much will depend on which Oblast you are currently living in as to the response you will get from that OVIR.

      • Thank you very much for your response.
        As I was saying my husband is under a 2 years contract with Heidelberg CementCo. They did prolong my visa as his whife. Regarding my mother we will try it at OVIR and maybe will understand my situation. Sincerely, after 8 moths here the things on my side didn’t get better, but worst. So I really need a member of my family here with me for the time that my husband is at work. Not knowing anybody and not knowing the language can maybe be understood …
        Anyway, I can only thank you for your response and wishing you a very good day.
        Cristina Lupa

  23. Actually this is incorrect information regarding foreign citizens who are married to/parents of Ukrainian citizens. Unfortunately, OVIR do not care about your parental rights, because you are foreign citizen, even if you are father of the Ukrainian citizen. You will only be allowed one month extension of tourist/visitor visa and will have to leave Ukraine after 90days for reentry. The only way to stay is to apply for permanent residence, which may be granted with extensive paperwork. This is the only thing entitled to.

    • The information is correct. The implementation/actions by regional OVIR’s may not follow it however.

      Certainly in Odessa what you have written will not happen as they will not extend a Tourist Visa for those nations to which it applies. A Private Visa upon marriage they will extend for 90 days every 90 days (subject the Zhek registration) until you qualify for and receive PR.

      That said, the above information within the blog post is nevertheless correct and works exactly as written here in Odessa.

      There is also not “extensive paperwork” involved in getting permanent residence. The only extensive thing about it is he 3 month (on average) delay in getting it from application.

      So far I have held the hands of 5 foreigners through the system of registrations from marriage to permanent residency and each has followed the text within the blog.

      The last individual only 2 weeks ago has submitted their PR paperwork and is in the final waiting period for the administration.

      • I may need your help for PR paper work. Can I have your phone Number and email address
        Charles –
        My email address: cwct2012@aol.com

      • Charles, so much has changed since I got mine, and given the disparity between regional OVIRs as to both ability, documentation demands, etc., I fear I would be now useless.

        I would suggest http://www.expatua.com where you will find those who have completed the PR process recently and under the new processes.

  24. I fully understand about the 90/180 requirement but how is it calculated? Date of first entry relates to the current year or do we have to go back some years? 180 days starts to run from date of first entry then starts a new period? for example I entered on 27th April 2010 and departed on 27th May. Re-entered on 9th July and departed 27 August. Re-entered on 16th October and still here… I have just visited the OVIR in Kolomija and they said I have 90 days from 16th October. How so? I presumed that I must depart on 24th november because counting back 180 days tells me I have had exactly 90 days in Ukraine. (EU Passport)

    I would be grateful of some further clarification because i don’t want to arrive at Boryspil to face problems just because the local OVIR may have a different concept.

    • They have counted as follows:

      27/4 – 27/5 = 30
      9/7 – 27/8 = 50
      16/10 – 19/11 (today and counting) = 34

      Total = 114 (plus another 5 by the time you get to 24th November)

      The rule is 90 days in Ukraine within a 180 day period and starts from you first entry into Ukraine.

      There is no definitive answer to give you as some OVIR’s may count from the start of a new year and others use a continuence system which does not allow for a change from 2010/11 to simply re-set all time in country clocks (as there may be people on 89 days of course on 31/12).

      What counts is how the point of entry/exit will count it and when it comes to Kyiv airport I have no idea as I don’t use it.

      The honest answer is I don’t know how you will get on when you leave.

      • Many thanks, Odessablogger, for your input.

      • I would like to tell the sequel to my inquiry of 19th November. Shortly before the expiry of the 180 days on 24th November, I visited the local OVIR in Kolomyya. I was informed that there could be no extension until shortly before the expiry of the 90 days from the date of the latest arrival stamp which was 16th October.
        I then said that I would have consumed my entitlement of 180 days by 24th November. The reply was to the effect that the office didn’t know or care about it. In mid-January, I attended the same office to extend my stay (EU Passport, no tourist visa) and it was granted. They gave me a small square paper with information on both sides and the expiry date of 16th April on which I must leave Ukraine. It was subsequently registered at the regional office in Ivano-Frankivsk.
        I’m due to leave in early March and cannot envisage any problem at Boryspil due to the official registered extension.

  25. I am having difficulties extending my visa at the moment and just wanted to know where you obtained the info above. I’ve checked the MfA and OVIR websites but I can’t seem to find any explanation of the 90/180 day rule (at least in English). I don’t doubt your knowledge on the subject but a link to the official info (even if in Ukrainian) would still be great!

  26. how long do a student visa valid

  27. Я хочу поженится на гражданку Украины,я побывал в Украине 90 дней и один ден я просочился я пошел в ОВИР зарегистрировался оплатил штраф и я уехал из Украины спустя два дня я хотел вернутся в Украину меня не отпускали почему???что мне сделать помогите пожалуйста.

  28. i want to work in ukraine plz give me a chance

    • Hi there,

      I have a dauther in Ukraine and would like to know if I need an invitation from her mother to visit her. I was informed that under the new law people who have children in Ukraine and living outsite of Ukraine are exempt from visa. Can you please confirm me the information? If true for how long the visa is applicable considering the exemption? From the information I was told that I would have to present the birth certificat of the child at the embassy and some supportive documents of mine. I will be grateful if you can help elucidate these questions.

      • I am not sure which nation you are from and with knowing that comes a variance of answers. May I suggest that you pose this question at http://www.expatua.com as there is likely to be a lot of knowledgeable answers forthcoming there.

      • Hi there again,
        I am originated from Cameroon,
        I have a dauther in Ukraine and would like to know if I need an invitation from her mother to visit her. I was informed that under the new law people who have children in Ukraine and living outsite of Ukraine are exempt from visa. Can you please confirm me the information? If true for how long the visa is applicable considering the exemption? From the information I was told that I would have to present the birth certificat of the child at the embassy and some supportive documents of mine. I will be grateful if you can help elucidate these questions.

        I am from Cameroon

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