
Still Feels Like The First Time……..Every Year Apparently!!

July 12, 2009

Now dear readers……..most men would not concern themselves over having been the one to take their wife’s virginity…….at least most men from the “West”.  Obviously in certain parts of the world this is the expected norm…….and of course, if you are a particularly sick bastard……like Fred West or Josef Fritzl…… that goes for your your daughters as well.

Fred West

Fred West

Returning to the mainstream of “modern accepted western culture”……..as I say, it is unlikely that when you marry your wife……you will be the first she has played “hide the sausage” with…….and it is excepted by most of us…….which it should be…….as of course when you are a young man, you would have f*cked a frog if it had stopped hopping long enough!

Catch me if you can!!

Catch me if you can!!

Well……Ok……not a frog……that’s as sick as Fred West and Josef Fritzl…….what I am trying to say is that anything which resembled a badly packed kebab and was available……you were going to try and shag it to death!!!


On that very premise……the chances of marrying a western woman who’s has not enjoyed the carnal pleasures of a man…….is few and far between……..even the ones who are so ugly they look like a bucket of smacked twats!!

So as most western men accept they will not be marrying a virgin……they also do not want to feel like their sexual olympic endevours are about equal to throwing a 1 kopek coin down Kreshatic and hoping it will hit both sides……in otherwords……they would prefer not to find there is enough room for the massed military marching bands to practice in there as well!!


Some men however let the fact that they were not responsible for the taking of their wife’s virginity bother them……and some women seem to be willing to go to any lengths to keep their men happy.


A little link to a sing-along by Bryan Adams “Please forgive me – Still feels like the first time”

……Well, it seems it feels like the first time on an annual occassion for one couple…….read on………

“A Russian woman ended up in intensive care after restoring her virginity for the sixth time.

The woman, identified as Natalia K., got married at 24. Her husband was not the girl’s first sexual partner, Life.ru writes.

When the husband confessed he was upset about her losing her virginity before the wedding and with another man, Natalia decided to make things up for him.

To celebrate their first year together as a married couple, she went to a plastic surgery clinic and had a hymenoplasty operation.

The husband was so delighted with the present, that a year later Natalia wanted to give that joy to him again. And the next year, and the year after that.

The sixth time the woman came for revirgination surgery, the doctors warned her it posed dangers for her health. Nevertheless, Natalia signed a waiver of all claims and had the surgery done.

But the doctors’ fears turned out to be justified. The woman’s weakened immune system failed to fight an unspecified minor infection she caught after the surgery, and landed her in intensive care.”


…….Now is it me……or is that going just a bit too far?……….After all, when you’ve been married for a long time…….you’re just thankful to get “it” at all!!




  1. Ok, Have a good time in Moscow.

  2. I think they’re both mad Proof!

    I stand corrected on the spelling of Kreshchatyk……I try to stay away from Kyiv as much as possible…..so it is my excuse…..well that and being foreign.:)

    The next few day’s posts may be a little hurried or not exactly comment on things which are happening “today”……as I have to go to Moscow for a day or 2 on “business”…..sadly not pleasure.

    I will however be posting regardless…..as “content is key” for the search engines 🙂

  3. Hmmmm. Interesting article, but she’s mad I think, this Natalia K.
    Also, I think it is not so necessary who was the first. The most necessary is that this girl/woman loves ya. Maybe that Natalia’s husband can’t appreciate it? But I didn’t mean that girl should be a whore with a twat about 1 meter in a diameter 🙂
    Bye the way, it is Khreshchatyk but not Kreshatic.

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